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 Course Overview

 The Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management is designed to equip professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to manage and mitigate the impacts of both natural and man-made disasters. With the increasing frequency of disasters due to climate change, technological advancements, and other factors, there is a growing need for experts in disaster management to address social and economic consequences effectively.

 Course Description

This comprehensive online program integrates humanitarian response with an understanding of development, emphasizing vulnerability and disaster risk reduction as essential components of development. The course recognizes the disproportionate impact of disasters on the poor and marginalized populations, particularly in developing countries, and grounds the study of disaster risk reduction, response, and recovery in the values of justice, equity, and social inclusion.

The curriculum covers all stages of disaster management:

 Pre-disaster preparedness and mitigation

Rescue and relief during disasters

Post-disaster rehabilitation, reconstruction, and recovery

Course Outline

MODULE 1: Introduction to Disaster Management

 An Introduction to Disaster Management

Social Services in Disaster Situations

MODULE 2: Logistics in Disasters

 Humanitarian Logistics: Core Challenges

Humanitarian Logistics: Context and Challenges

Drought, Food Security, and Famine

MODULE 3: Planning for Disasters

Disaster Prevention

Disaster Mitigation

Response to Disaster Impact


 MODULE 4: Preparedness and Risk Reduction

 Introduction to Disaster Preparedness

Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction

Increasing Community Disaster Awareness

Disaster Emergency Needs Assessment

Disaster Program, Information, and Reporting

Improving Disaster Coordination

MODULE 5: Disaster Legislations and Leadership

 Disaster Legislations

Military Forces in the Counter Disaster Role

Internal Disaster Assistance

Leadership in Disaster

MODULE 6: Advanced Planning for Disasters

 Disaster Prevention

Disaster Mitigation

Response to Disaster Impact


MODULE 7: General Food Distribution in Disasters

Emergency Situations

MODULE 8: Project Management in Disasters

Research Paper

    • Choose a research topic and share it with the moderator
    • Write a proposal, incorporating feedback
    • Develop chapters three, four, and five of the research paper
    • Follow provided guidelines for format

     Final Examination

    • Comprehensive online assessment

Duration and Structure

  • Course Duration: 12 months (2 semesters)
  • Assignments: 10 assignments (70% of the final grade) plus a project paper (30% of the final grade)
  • Format: Distance learning
  • Languages: English and French

Minimum Entry Requirements

  • A Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university
  • An equivalent qualification from a recognized institution

Course Fee

  • €1500

Contact Details

For more information and to apply, please contact:

Global Relief Institute (GRI)