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Course Overview
The core principles of this course include only expending funds as laid out in the approved grant budget, an organization should not use funds from a grant for items not included in the grant budget or for purposes other than described in the grant narrative, if there is need for amending the budget then it should be done in collaboration with the grant provider. After approval, every expenditure should be supported with adequate and legitimate documentation, ensure that systems of checks and balances are in place so that no one is solely in charge of money, and monitoring of the expenditures periodically to ensure that overspending or underspending can be addressed before the end of the grant period.

These principles are valuable in helping to build trust with donors and making the management process in your organization more orderly.  The purpose of this course is to build the confidence and skills of those responsible for managing institutional donor grants and to meet donors’ financial terms & conditions when implementing programs. Effective grant management by project implementers can contribute to more funding for the organization.

Course Objectives

  • At the end of the course, learners will be able to:
  • Identify and understand the critical terms and conditions of grant aid for donor-funded projects
  • Ensure compliance with donor terms and conditions
  • Providing supporting documents, correct procurement of goods and services and meeting financial reporting requirements
  • Managing multiple-funded programs
  • Prepare a donor financial report to match with a project narrative report
  • Describe the phases in the grant management cycle clarify key responsibilities and routines needed for successful grant management
  • Identify the requirements for closing off a donor grant


In order to demonstrate their understanding of the course content, students will be required to complete and submit three assignments.

DURATION: 6 Months




LANGUAGE: English and French

FORMAT: Online Learning


Diploma in HIV and Aids Management

Course Overview

The HIV/AIDS Management course has been developed in response to continued requests from the industry, from students, and from universities for a course that enhances understanding of the impact that HIV/AIDS virus has on local communities and tackles complex themes and issues that affect millions of people worldwide.

Course Content

  • Difference between HIV and AIDS.
  • Know the myths of HIV and AIDS.
  • Understand HIV and AIDS Statistics.
  • Learn three methods used for HIV Screening.
  • Understand How HIV is transmitted.
  • Understand Legal Right associated with HIV/ AIDS.
  • Understand Current treatment associated with HIV and AIDS.
  • Identify what are blood borne pathogens
  • How to respond to myths about HIV/ AIDS
  • The role of a peer education in HIV prevention
  • Effective Communication, including
  • Attitudes and values people have about illness and sexuality
  • How to respond to myths and misconceptions about HIV/AIDS
  • Establishing the climate of mutual respect and sympathy
  • What puts peers at risk of HIV
  • Behavior Change Communication The process of behavior change
  • Overcoming communication barriers in Peer Education
  • Approaching a peer and beginning a dialogue
  • Active listening
  • Facts about HIV antibody testing
  • Preparing for a HIV test
  • Managing the outcome of the HIV test
  • How to motivate others
  • Personal Risk assessment techniques
  • Understanding social norms, peer pressure and behavior change process
  • Condom and sex related negotiation and refusal skills
  • Sexual decision making
  • Communication for safer sex and assertiveness
  • Condom and sex related negotiation and refusal skills
  • The role of alcohol and drugs in HIV transmission
  • Peer Education and Counseling techniques including listening, confidentiality, rapport, referrals and record keeping
  • Living with HIV infection
  • Psychological, social and ethical issues in counseling peers about sexuality and HIV infection.
  • Empathy toward those infected with HIV
  • Moral support and counseling families and individuals infected with HIV
  • How to address stigma and discrimination for those infected and affected


In order to demonstrate their understanding of the course content, students will be required to complete and submit three assignments.

DURATION: 6 Months




LANGUAGE: English and French

FORMAT: Online Learning