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Course Overview

Ensuring a safe and secure environment within organizations requires meticulous planning and a commitment to safety practices. This involves implementing policies, conducting risk assessments, and developing security strategies. Fundamental safety and security measures must be in place to prevent incidents or mitigate their impacts, while guidelines for personal safety and security provide a framework for individual actions and enhance overall awareness.

This Post Graduate Diploma in Security and Safety Management from the Global Relief Institute (GRI) is designed to equip learners with essential skills for effective security and safety management. The course covers a range of topics, including security research, policy formulation, international relations, and the management of industrial security systems.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction
    • Safety management fundamentals
    • Organizational safety culture
    • State safety programs
    • Safety management systems
    • Technology and safety management systems
  1. Occupational Health and Safety Management
    • Introduction to definitions and forms
    • Conditions for success and barriers to performance
    • Special implementation difficulties
    • Lessons from quality management for evaluating and measuring OHSMS performance
    • Measuring OHSMS performance
    • Conclusion
  1. Safety and Security for Humanitarian Workers
    • Introduction to differing perceptions of risk
    • Gender and security
    • Staff care and varying levels of security support
    • Organizational policies and duty of care
    • Consultation and participation
    • National aid organizations and responsible partnership
    • Humanitarian principles and operational applications
    • Humanitarian insurance
  1. Safety Management Systems
    • Introduction to the role of safety management systems
    • General requirements of the SMS
    • Elements of the SMS
    • Establishing the SMS
    • Performance standards for the SMS
    • Critical success factors for SMS
    • Transition from security management to risk management
    • Social media and safety
    • Employee infidelity and organizational safety
  1. Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
    • Role of intelligence in diplomacy
    • Public health and foreign policy
    • Defense diplomacy
    • Inequality in power
  1. Conflict Management and Resolution
    • Rape as a security issue
    • Peacekeeping and security
    • Factors contributing to terrorism
    • Water resources-related conflicts
    • Human-wildlife conflicts
    • Pastoralist security challenges
  1. Small Firearms and Security Management
    • Sources of small firearms
    • Trans-boundary movement of small firearms
    • Common types of small firearms
    • Addressing small firearm-related insecurity
  1. Food Security Management
    • Challenges in food security
    • Using GIS technologies for food security management
    • Food policy and its impact on food security
  1. Framework of National Disaster Management
    • Disaster management centers
    • Technologies like remote sensing, drones, GIS, and security mapping
    • Humanitarian and disaster management organizations
    • Disaster risk management and planning
  1. Refugees, Migrant Workers, and Security Challenges
    • Identifying genuine refugees
    • Migrant labor laws and settlement
    • Assessing security challenges related to migrant workers
  1. National Security Intelligence
    • National defense education systems
    • Diplomacy and intelligence
    • Cybersecurity management
    • Cyber-spying and cyber-terrorism
    • Management structure of national intelligence
    • Safety management and logistical strategies of national intelligence
  1. Research Proposal
    • Choosing a research topic and proposal development
    • Writing and revising research paper chapters
    • Guidelines provided by the institute

Minimum Entry Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university
  • Equivalent qualification from a recognized institution

Duration and Structure

  • Course Duration: 12 months
  • Assignments: 10 assignments (70% of final grade), plus a project paper (30% of final grade)
  • Format: Distance learning
  • Languages: English and French

Course Fee

  • €1500

Contact Details

For more information and to apply, please contact:

Global Relief Institute (GRI)

This diploma provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and managing security and safety challenges, equipping learners with the skills necessary to address complex issues in various settings worldwide.